

Peer-reviewed publications

  1. Küppers, R. 2024. The Far Right in Spain: an “Exception” to What? Challenging Conventions in the Study of Populism through Innovative Methodologies. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology.
  2. Küppers, R. 2018. El ágora digital: análisis de la relación entre deliberación democrática y nuevas redes digitales. Teknokultura, 15(2), 415-427.

Other publications

  1. Küppers, R. & Stapleton, M. 2024. What the rise of Chega means for Portuguese democracy. LSE European Politics and Policy blog, July 8.
  2. Onghena, Y., Alegre, C. & Küppers, R. 2019. Repensar la solidaridad en los tiempos del miedo. Nota Internacional, 221, CIDOB.